Learning Pathways from LinkedIn Learning
Project Management - Learn how to track critical steps in projects to ensure they are completed on time. Discover how to identify and react to the outside forces that might influence or alter an organization's project goals. Establish a course of action to accomplish a specific goal. Identify, evaluate, and implement measurement systems for current and future projects.
Managing Others Effectively - Learn about the business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership techniques, production methods, and coordination of people and resources. Examine how to allocate decision-making authority and/or task responsibility to the appropriate parties to maximize effectiveness.
Building and Managing Effective Teams - Review how to effectively help create and manage teams that work well together to meet both short-term and strategic goals. Learn how to encourage and build mutual trust, respect, and cooperation among team members. Discover how to encourage coordination and identification with the work unit. Identify ways to encourage information sharing among individuals, and include others in processes and decisions.
Leading Others Effectively and Transformational Leadership - Learn how to influence and support colleagues and others in the achievement of common organizational goals. Examine how to lead a team or other group and provide inspiration, clarity, and direction through a compelling vision of the future. Discover how to rally others, build morale, and display attributes that make others glad to follow. Explore how to boost productivity in areas needing improvement. Learn how to gain commitment by influencing teams to set objectives and buy in on a process. Discover how to reinforce change by embracing it. Observe how to assess situations quickly and accurately.